NET-Tools 2nd Education School

30th September – 1st October 2020


Copenhagen • Denmark




Scope of NET-Tools 2nd Educational School


Novel Education and Training Tools based on digital applications related to Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology


The workshop is organized as a practical experience aiming for participants to explore the e-platform through elaborative testing and analysis of the developed content as well as an opportunity to confirm cooperation for the further continuation of the e-platform.


The workshop will offer the opportunity for the participants to engage with the project to:

  • confirm areas of interests for the stakeholder groups targeted (academics, industry, education etc.) concerning thematic areas and educational materials developed
  • initiate collaborations with these stakeholders and
  • obtain recommendations for further developments

The 1st part of the event will consist of a general introduction to NET-Tools project and to the e-Learning platform, attendeed will register in the platform whilst the 2nd part of the event will focus on practical demonstration of the e-Laboratory area and test of the platform to allow the participants to test the platform tools and functionalities. The second day will end with open dialogue sessions between delegates and speakers.


Participants to the workshop will:

  • be presented with the latest developments of the Net-tools platform and especially the already developed e-Laboratory toolboxes and e-Learning contents – to understand how the platform can support their teaching and training needs
  • be invited to make suggestions regarding additional areas to be covered by the NET-Tools platform – so that the platform can support their teaching and training needs further
  • be invited to evaluate the potential for contributing with existing or planned educational materials for uploading onto the platform – to use the platform to reach out to new audiences and promote their expertise
  • be taught how to use every tools from the e-laboratory platform and resolve problems through these tools



Prof h.c. Olaf Jedicke

Karlsruher Institute of Technology (Germany) and the NET-Tools project partners Ulster University (UK), PersEE Innovation (France), Element Energy (France), Università degli Studi di Perugia (Italy), BAS Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems (Bulgaria), Denmark Technical University Denmark), National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos" (Greece)



Didier Blanchard

DTU Energi - Anker Engelunds Vej 1, Bygning 101A - 2800 - Kgs. Lyngby - 45257818 -

  • Educational School (no fees)
  • Available seats to the Educational School 50


General Information

Scope of Educational School


Registration Form to register officially to the 2nd Educational School

Letter of Intent (LOI)