List of Project Deliverables to NET-Tools
D 1 Project Website and Share Point (Deliverable D1.11 ) (public)
D 2 Supporting Administrative System (Deliverable 1.10 ) (confidential)
D 3 List of Industrial Advisory Board Members (Deliverable 1.9 ) (public)
D 4 Project e-Newsletter 1st Issue (Deliverable 1.8 ) (public)
D 5 Project e-Newsletter 2nd Issue (Deliverable 1.7 ) (public)
D 6 Project e-Newsletter 3rd Issue (Deliverable 1.6 ) (public)
D 7 Project e-Newsletter 4th Issue (Deliverable 1.5 ) (public)
D 8 Project e-Newsletter 5th Issue (Deliverable 1.4 ) (public)
D 9 Project e-Newsletter 6th Issue (Deliverable 1.3 ) (public)
D10 Guidelines IPR and list of Helpdesks and available Information (Deliverable 1.2 ) (public)
D11 Business Concept on NET-Tools (Deliverable 1.1 ) (confidential)
D12 Members of Supporting Teams (Deliverable 2.1 ) (public)
D13 Demands Criteria and Technical Server Specifications (Deliverable 2.2 ) (confidential)
D14 Technical Infrastructure NET-Tools (documentation) (Deliverable 2.3 ) (confidential)
D15 LMS Review, Evaluation and Comparison (Deliverable 2.4 ) (public)
D16 Test Results Tracking (Deliverable 2.5 ) (confidential)
D17 NET-Tools Documentation (Reference Document) (Deliverable 2.6 ) (public)
D18 NET-Tools Governance Guidlines (Reference Document) (Deliverable 2.7 ) (public)
D19 Report on Technical and Digital Concepts and Structure of e-Laboratory (Deliverable 3.1 ) (confidential)
D20 e-Engineering Toolbox 1st Version (Deliverable 3.2 ) (public)
D21 e-Engineering Toolbox 2nd and final Version (Deliverable 3.3 ) (public)
D22 e-Science Toolbox 1st Version (Deliverable 3.4 ) (public)
D23 e-Science Toolbox 2nd and final Version (Deliverable 3.5 ) (public)
D24 Hands-on Training of Industrial Users Session 1 (Deliverable 3.6 ) (public)
D25 Hands-on Training of Industrial Users Session 2 (Deliverable 3.7 ) (public)
D26 Overview of existing Teaching Materials (Deliverable 4.1 ) (public)
D27 Description of e-Learning Platform to be implemented (Deliverable 4.2 ) (confidential)
D28 Contribution from the respective Expert Workshop to draft the overall Concept of Educational Schools (Deliverable 4.3 ) (public)
D29 Example MOOCs established (Deliverable 4.4 ) (public)
D30 Evaluation of first online Courses and Recommendations (Deliverable 4.5 ) (confidential)
D31 Plan for Networking and Dissemination (Deliverable 5.1 ) (confidential)
D32 Plan for Networking and Dissemination (update) (Deliverable 5.2 ) (confidential)
D33 Plan for Networking and Dissemination (update) (Deliverable 5.3 ) (confidential)
D34 Expert Workshop (Deliverable 5.4 ) (public)
D35 First Educational School (Deliverable 5.5 ) (public)
D36 Second Educational School (Deliverable 5.6 ) (public)
D37 Report on Lessons Learned during performed "Flying Teachers" Short Courses (Deliverable 5.7 ) (confidential)
D38 Report on Presentations and Publications (Deliverable 5.8 ) (public)
D39 POPD - Requirements No.1 (Deliverable 6.1 ) (confidential)